smustbe submiftedon the officlalform and received(not postmarked) bynolaterthanTuesday,February23,1982. HAWAII CHAPTER SOCIETY OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE 5th ANNUAL MEETING May 29-30, 1982 Hyatt Kuiiima Hotel Kahuku, Oahu, Hawaii Announcement and Call for Abstracts Guest Speakers:Leonard Rosenthall,M.D.,and L. StephenGraham,Ph.D. The Conference Committee invites for presentation, abstracts of original papers to be given at this 5th Annual Me morial Day Weekend Conference. Papers are to be 7-10 mm in length. Each abstract should be typed, contain a statement of purpose, methods used, results,conclusions, andshouldnotexceed250-300words.Thetitleof thepaperandnamesof authorsshouldbe stated as they are to appear in the program, with person giving the presentation underlined. Send abstracts and requests for information to: Patrick McGuigan The Honolulu Medical Group Dept. of Nuclear Medicine 550 South BeretaniaSt.
منابع مشابه
ADJUNCTIVE MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE Array Processors: An Introduction to Their Architecture, Software, and ApplicationsinNuclearMedicine
s should not exceed 300 words and should contain a statement of purpose, the method used, results, and conclusions. The name of the author presenting the paper must be underlined. Original abstracts and four copies should be sent to: Andrew Keenan, MDDept.of NuclearMedicineClinical Center, N.I.H.9000 Rockville PikeBethesda,Maryland20205Tel: (301)496-5675 The programw...
متن کاملDigital Fifteringin Nuclear Medicine
Digitalfilteringisa powerfulmathematicaltechniqueincomputeranalysisofnu clear medicinestudies.The basic conceptsof object-domainand frequency-do main filteringare presentedin simple,largelynonmathematicalterms. Computa tional methodsare describedusingboth the Fouriertransformand convolution techniques.Thefrequencyresponseisdescribedandusedto representthe behav br of several classes of filters. ...
متن کاملPost print author Accepted for publication in Nuklearmedizin/NuclearMedicine Resolution improvement and noise reduction in human pinhole SPECT using a multi- ray approach and the SHINE method
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Congress explores the incidence of scientific fraud and misconduct.
EDITORIALCOMMUNICATIONS shouldbe senttotheEditor:ThomasP.Haynie,MD,The JournalofNuclearMedicine, OfficeofSpecial Publications,The Universityof TexasM. D. AndersonHospital,1515HolcombeBoule yard,Houston, TX77030(713)762.6015. Books andmonographscoveringtheuseofnuclear medicineanditsallieddisciplineswill be re viewedas space is available.Sendreview copies to the Edltor@ BUSINESSCOMMUNICATIONS con...
متن کاملLiver Remnant Regeneration in Donors After Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Long-Term Follow-Up Using CT and MR Imaging Regeneration des verbliebenen Lebergewebes bei Spendern nach Leberlebendspende: Langzeitverlaufskontrollen mittels CT und MRT
Affiliations 1 Diagnostic, Interventional, and Pediatric Radiology, INSELSPITAL – Bern University Hospital, Bern 2 Department of Radiology, Neuroradiology, Sonography and Nuclearmedicine, Merciful Brethren Hospital, Trier 3 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf, Hamburg 4 Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery und Transplant Surgery, University Medica...
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